The Bridge Story

The Bridge was founded in 2020 by Kenny Bhosale to help businesses and leaders to bridge the gap between the idealism of leadership philosophies and real-life leadership skills and capabilities necessary to get results, whilst keeping true to your identity and culture.

Leadership Development is a multi-billion dollar industry and continues growing, yet leaders and businesses are left wanting and wondering. Like everything else in business, leadership is an essential capability that needs to add value to your vision and success. Leaders often go on leadership courses or retreats, yet find it an uphill battle to implement the necessary changes across their business to embed the leadership brand and culture they envisage. Both academic research and industry surveys have repeatedly shown this to be the case.

In 2020, The Bridge conducted its own industry research and survey of NZ businesses through Massey University Business School. The study found a consistent need for multi-faceted leadership development, more consideration for the business context and a need for tailored leadership solutions. The leadership development solutions offered by The Bridge are based on these insights, are grounded in evidence based methodologies, and incorporate proven leadership strategies, processes, tools and real-life learning.

Whatever your business or industry, the truth is that you and your team are on your own unique journey through the ever-increasing complexities of today’s business, social and political landscape. The Bridge can help you navigate and create the necessary leadership capabilities to get the best out of yourself and your people, and realise your potential.

Our Mission

Empower leaders to make a positive difference to the people, businesses, and communities they lead.

Coaches & Facilitators

Kenny Bhosale

Founder / Executive Leadership Coach

Shelley Smith

Health Coach

Nikki Joyce

Executive Leadership Coach

Antoinette Bradley

Leadership Coach

Let’s chat to see if we are the right fit for each other.

Knowing what leadership solutions you should invest time and money into is often the first battle.