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How to choose the right leadership solution for you

Leadership Development is an expansive industry and continues to grow. Yet, leaders and businesses are left wanting and wondering. Those who invest time and effort in leadership development often struggle to translate new learning into actual leadership practice and frequently experience an uphill battle to grow the leadership culture they envision. So here are six considerations to help you choose the right leadership solution for you.

Setting Strategic Career Goals and Vision

Whether you are thinking of leadership goals, career goals, life goals, fitness goals, or any other long-term achievements, it is always helpful to stop, think and reflect on why that goal is important to you (personally) and how it fits with the visions that you have for yourself and the vision that you share with those that you care about the most. So here are a few questions to work through and, most importantly, discuss with others that will be part of your long-term journey.

8-step guide for getting your team to own your strategy

There is plenty of information out there on how to develop a strategy for your team or business. Leaders will pay big money for consultants to come in and develop a strategy for them. But what is all this worth if you can’t get your team to own the strategy? Download our brief 8-step guide for getting your team to own your strategy, so you can achieve your strategy and vision through your leaders and team.

Useful coaching questions for leaders

Being a coach-like leader is one of the most effective ways of empowering your team, creating ownership, motivating individuals and allowing delegation to work effectively. In reality, there is no exhaustive list of questions when it comes to coaching. However, following the GROW format is a good starting point for leaders to start having coaching conversations. Download this good back-pocket guide with questions you can use in your one-on-one conversations.

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